FORT SMITH (KFSM) – A group dedicated to finding a cure for ovarian cancer is holding a gala in August to honor those who’ve survived the disease.
In a “5NEWS This Morning” segment that aired Sunday (July 26), anchor Daren Bobb spoke to Liz Martin and Deb Clark who are both with the River Valley Ovarian Cancer Alliance. They said woman should get an early diagnosis of ovarian cancer, but acknowledge that there’s no diagnostic test for the disease. They also said woman who’ve had breast cancer are more prone to contract ovarian.
The fundraiser “TEAL Night in Tahiti” is scheduled for Saturday, August 15th at the Fort Smith Convention Center. Tickets cost $50 per person and can be purchased by clicking on this link. Daren Bobb will be co-emceeing the event.
See the video – http://5newsonline.com/2015/07/26/party-scheduled-for-august-to-benefit-ovarian-cancer-survivors/